Friday, April 30, 2004

Away I go

I'm leaving Malaysia for a short short holiday from the 1st to the 4th of May. So... this place will have no updates until I come back, I guess. :) Be good ya... I will not be bring my phone so muahaha, there's no way you guys can get me. If there's anything, you just have to wait till I get back, which is on the 4th night... LATE night.

Oi, spammers, stay away k?
This is the 3rd time I'm typing the same post. grr...


You always here people saying "just be yourself" or "don't be fake", now, who is "yourself" or your "real" self. In fact, how many "real" selves are there? I was PM-ing someone and somewhere along the way, the issue of image came into the picture, and I've been wanting to blog about it ever since.

I'll be honest, I behave differently in different situations and different company. The YP in uni and the YP my fellow RCY instructors know is different and that, again, is different from the YP my cadets know. Does that mean I'm fake? No, at least I don't think so. I believe that the society has certain expectation for people that play different roles and it is important that we meet these expectations.

Let's look at it from a different perspective. We, as patients, clients, citizens have certain expectations of our doctors, lawyers and country leaders, right? But, remember that these people are also human, and they are not "all the same" and there is not typical person in this world. So, why do they behave in a certain manner? Well, simple, because they have to when they deal with others as professionals! IMHO, they are like any other person and they have their own vices (no super goody two shoes in this world lah), but that, is in their private lives.

Therefore, I believe that a person's private life is his/her own business and as long as the job's well done, who cares?
Links Alert

Added 4 more links recently...

Under med peepz, I've got Aiky, Orientalfeathers and pyrose. All of them from IMU, just that pyrose is a blog TJ shares with his friends. Maybe one day he'll have his own. :) Come on.. that was how I started out too!

Then there's Necronomicron also. Hmm... dunno whether to put under med peepz not, well, guess it doesn't matter lah...

All 4 are pretty good reads, especially Necronomicron, I think. :) Wonder what the name means though.. Hmm...
Book Review

I said I'll finish reading this book during my hols in the beginning of the year but never really got 'round to it. Started on it again earlier this week and finished it on the way home yesterday. Hmm...

Title: The Time Traveler's Wife
Author: Audrey Niffenegger
Genre: Romance

Ok, everyone that knows me will know that I'm not the kinda girl who reads romance. During my early secondary school days, when everyone was reading Sweet Valley Twins, I read er... 2 and decided that it was rubbish. Anyway, back to Time Traveler's Wife...

It's romance minus the silliness, I would say. A beautiful and very sweet love story of Clare and Henry. Henry is a Chrono-Displaced Person (CDP) ie. he time travels but not out of his own free will. They met when she was 6 and he 30 although in actual fact, Henry is only 8 years' Clare's senior. Confusing? Well, the book tells of how to travels to his wife's childhood, to their present when they form a family and then to the future when he passes away. It's written from both his and her points of view, therefore allowing readers a better insight to their lives as they pursue common goals. These are common things that most people take for granted, yet difficult to achieve in their case because of something they cannot control nor prevent. However, because of the nature of the story, readers might get a little confuse now and then, hence, not recommended for those who don't like to think while they read.

All in all, an average book, I think. Well, romance is still not my cup of tea but it's the best romance book I've read so far (not that I've read many).

Thursday, April 29, 2004


You know... when you live at home, you don't appreciate the place all that much. It's just somewhere you stay, somewhere you can find food all the time. But... when you stay away from home, ahh.. that's when you appreciate home.
Firstly, what is home? Where do you consider "home" to be? Some people think it's the place you stay, me, I think it's the place where family is. My home, is this nice place in JB. Why is it nice? 'cos it's home lor! :) People ask me, where's the best place to go in JB, and I'll say that the best place in JB is YP's HOME!!! ("best" and "nice" is a matter of perspective mah)

Maybe it's because staying away from home made me become a little more mature but somehow, it made me appreciate home more. People ask me why I get onto a 4 hrs plus bus ride almost every weekend just to go home. Well, apart from the reason that some of you know, another is that I like going home. I don't like the process, but I like the end result. What I mean is that I don't enjoy going to puduraya, I don't enjoy sitting in a bus for 4 hours (especially when the aircon breaks down), I don't enjoy arriving in larkin, but I like ending up at home.

Yeah, right now, I'm at home. And I'm a happy kid. :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2004


To those who don't know, PBL = Problem Based Learning. Most people don't like it. Well, I have mixed feelings about it. I guess how a PBL session goes depends a lot on your facilitator (I know some uni calls the person the tutor, but in IMU, we refer to him/her as the faci) and your PBL group. Just like the name does, he/she facilitates! I'm a lucky kid, I think. All the facis I've gotten so far were great. Right now, my faci is Dr T and he's good, IMHO.

Well, after Monday's session, Dr T asked us what we felt about PBL and like A said, maybe it's time to do some bootlicking. Haha. Well well.. PBL PBL... The idea is good, I guess. I don't believe in spoonfeeding because, well, let's just admit it, you don't appreciate stuff that you get easily. In this context, because you're given the information, you'll most probably shove it aside and it stays in its little corner. With PBL however, we have to find our own information and share it with the rest of the group.

This brings me to another point... this time, about the PBL group. My current group's pretty good, I guess. Everyone does their work (despite what a certain other member has to say about it) and can voice out their opinions during the discussions. Just wonderful, don't you think???

So... in conclusion, apart from the times when I can't find the info I'm looking for.. the times when I'm being a lazy pig.. the times when I'm PMS-ing, I like PBL. :)

Links update: Just added Olivia and Hanyi to my list of links. They are people I got to know from drliew's forum. Nice people, I must say. :) I'll talk about the forum one of these days, only thing preventing me from doing so is that I have not figured out of a way to do it without making doc kembang and hence breaking his chair (again!). :P

Tuesday, April 27, 2004


IVF is coming up soon, like er... really soon. But, looking at the standards of our debaters earlier this afternoon, I'm worried. Looking at the number of things we have to confirm by the 6th, I'm worried. No, dear readers, IVF is not In Vitro Fertilisation and I think I've mentioned this before (can't really remember though) it's the Intra Varsity Debates that's coming up on the 6th, 7th and 8th of May. (yupz yupz, 8th May, WRCD!!!)

It's not the grand grand event of the debate arena, in fact, it's just an inter-batch thing. However, for many debaters in my batch, it's going to be the first competition at varsity level. For the organisers, well, it's the first intra-varsity debate we ever ever EVER had in IMU, so I hope it all goes well. :)

It's noisy, I don't like noise. In fact, I get a headache from excessive noise. Why don't I like to go clubbing like any other 19 year olds? 'Cos it's NOISY. Why don't I like noise? 'Cos it gives me a headache! Why am I blogging about noise? 'Cos right now, in the atrium, it's NOISY. Grrr... Buncha seniors are taking photos, and it's NOISY. Nah, not their fault lahz, come on, a whole batch taking photos... bound to be noisy lah. But it's GIVING ME A HEADACHE and I'M FEELING BITCHY TODAY so I'll bitch lor. :P

Why am I in a bad mood? Ok... it's because...Dr T gave us the answers to Summative I earlier today and boy.. oh boy.. am I dead. Sigh. I don't want to see my results, which I guess will be out in about 2 to 3 weeks' time.

Monday, April 26, 2004

Useless (or not)

As I sit here in the Cal Lab, waiting for time to come so that I can attend a talk on the new grading system, J mentioned that he's sick. So, like all nice people around him, I said (with some others), "kan4 yi1 sheng1 lor..." (translation:See doctor lor) And J announced, in a medical school, with medical students all around, "yi1 sheng1 mei2 you3 yong4 de4 la4" (translation:doctors no use one lah)

*pengz* So yeah... that led me thinking... How many of you out there actually go to a doctor when you come down with a slight fever or a running nose, things like that. Me, I don't. At least not until more than 5 people have nagged at me, threatened me and then half drag me to see the doc. I must also be sick for at least 2 weeks and can no longer tahan the discomfort. Why don't I wanna see a doc? Well... I'm like a kid when it comes to this. Simple reason here. I don't like taking medication!!! eekz! I see pills and I run in the opposite direction. Yuckz!

Yupz yupz, so how? What are your thoughts on seeing a doc?
After Ball

IMU ball was held last Saturday and we spent much of yesterday evening and this morning looking at photos and discussing about it. Seems that new scandals are on their way. Heehee. Yours truly didn't attend the ball because I had to be home this weekend, kind of feel that I should have gone (but that wasn't an option) but.. bah, nevermind, there's always next year and right now, I'm getting updates from my friends. *beams*

Had PBL this morning and strangely enough, I was made the leader this week. Wanted to push to A but don't know how he siam-ed the arrow. HRMPH. Ok, I sucked as the leader, I know.. but hey! PBL ended 50 minutes earlier today!!! *beams with pride* Hahaha

Ok, so now I've to go read up on environmental contaminations. Hmm... when I find the motivation to do so, I will lah! But... most of the time, Mr Motivation only appears late on Wednesday nights or even worse, Thursday mornings... yeah, PBL 2 is at 10.30 on Thursdays. Oops. Er.. yeah, I'm not exactly the best person for doing my work early. Heehee.

Just printed Epidemiology notes from Dr P's webbie. I'm so proud of myself. First time I actually printed out notes like a good kid. heehee

Sunday, April 25, 2004


Read this. Students playing truant will be hauled up to the police station??? Oh my... oh my... to quote from NST. "The situation is quite serious and teachers are powerless to handle the problem." First reaction is WTF. If teachers don't wanna bother themselves with truancy problems, say so lah. "Powerless", HA! crap. Next thing you know, kids who don't do their homework and assignments will be hauled up to the police station too! Why? Ooo.. 'cos teachers are powerless to handle the problem.

IMHO, problems like truancy should be delt with both AT HOME and in school. Parents play a major major MAJOR role in this and teachers... yeah, they should play a role too. Throwing the kids to Mr Policeman is just shirking one's responsibilities. First, parents throw to school then school throw the police, then how ah? When the police becomes "powerless" throw to the PM ah? Sheesh. *shakes head* Really pity the kids these days, no more skipping lessons to catch a movie once in a while, you'll end up in the police station!

Don't they know that teenagers are rebellious? And that to send them to the police is a little too extreme in this case? Sigh.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Birthday Presents

Do you remember the time... when you were still really young and a gift like a pencil case will make you very happy? How about the time when a barbie doll was the only bday present you ever wanted?

Why is it that as we grow older, the amount of money we spend on birthday presents increases? And of course, our expectations also go up. Long long time ago, bday presents to friends cost 5 bucks per person who is sharing..and that.. is considered.. A LOT. Then it became 10... then 15.. now, anything less than 20 for a good friend is considered very little. And this is only if you're sharing. If not, we're talking about high double digits or even three digit numbers. Just wondering... why ah?

I don't mind paying... just wondering why that's the case. Hmm...

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

The Wonders Of Peer Pressure

Long long time ago, when I first joined HQ, someone up there told me (and my batchmates) to go sit for the exam for CPR cert (not SFAC lahz). I was in the middle of ACOC camp (attended it twice not bcos I failed the first time 'round, it wasn't a "failable" course then.. but bcos I got tricked .. grr..) and came out of camp to go for CPR exam.

That time... NONE of us studied. :P In fact, we didn't really know what we were in for. (yeah, imagine the horror when we got to know that this time the dummy isn't going to just let us off liddat, it has decided to have paper coming out of its side.. freaky dummy) And.. I'm proud to say that ALL of us passed.

This time around, thanks to the timely expiry of my CPR cert, I've gotta sit for the exam again, in school. You would think that 2nd time means more confidence means less studying will be done eh?? Sorry ah, you're wrong. This time round, 'cos everyone around me is studying, I'm studying too! Hurray! I find myself re-reading stuff I already know but still am afraid that I'll fail when the first time, "failing" wasn't a worry. (Not that we were super confident, but er.. maybe a little too full of ourselves lah) Ahh... the wonders of peer pressure.

Maybe... it's 'cos the company is different, the venue is different. We kind of knew that even if we had failed then, the support we'll get will help us through anything. That buncha people was like my 2nd family, that place was like 3rd home. Sigh. I miss IFCs'01, I miss TD, I miss RCY, I think I even miss RCH!

Monday, April 19, 2004


Paper was bad. I think lah. Sigh. If I pass, I'll be one super duper happy girl. Sigh. All the true/false qns, I change the answers the number of times I read the questions, is that bad or what...sigh. Negative marking. Sigh.

Whatever... it only constitutes 5% of the total in Sem3. Shouldn't let it get to me. Hrmph!

Shopping later and maybe Super Sapien too. Only thing is that the guys don't have car today. Hmm...

Friday, April 16, 2004


Saw this on Dr Cheah's blog and later on NST.

Super duper *gulp*. K lah k lah, all the dumb people (read: med students) who got ourselves into this mess knew 'bout the situation. Makes you think why dumb people like us exist eh? And..this article isn't exactly the most motivating for someone mugging for an exam on Monday, but bah, whateverr..

Ooo.. and the Health Minister is saying something about it too! Look here. Let's hope and pray (ya.. need to pray super hard) that the situation improves lah. *still trying to come to terms...*

Wednesday, April 14, 2004


I'm sitting here in the cal lab and have been sitting here since the end of Moral Studies. Ladies and Gentlemen, this idiot here *points to myself* have wasted a whole afternoon of her precious life. Be it on Moral Studies (yes, MS is a waste of time) or on surfing aimlessly on the net. I just can't get myself to study. I know I have to!!! But I just can't do it! Argh. This feeling sucks. Grr...

It dawned upon me during MS that my language skills are going down and I haven't been reading much lately. I miss reading. As Mr Fate would have it, I came across the bookreviewblog. Why haven't I been reading.. Hmm.. let's see. In the past, I finish, on average, 3 to 4 novels a week. (yeah, I buy my books, so er... yeah, a lot of money involved ah) Then, somewhere along the way, I ran out of stuff to read and the number went down... down... down... now... I don't think I even do one book a MONTH!

The last few books I read were... were... "A Lesson Before Dying", "Life of Pi", "The Five People You Meet In Heaven" and "The God of Small Things" mostly thanks to my brother. I still have "Time Traveler's Wife" sitting on my bookshelf at home and I guess that means I can't complain that I have nothing to read. I think I will get back to reading books and stop wasting money on magazines (which are mostly terribly reads anyway).

After Summative I, I'll go down to a bookstore and do some shopping. Only problem is that books are so expensive. (No, library is not an option, yours truly doesn't like reading damaged books)
Ouch My Eye

My right eye is hurting. It's not swollen or red... it just hurts. And I'm coming down with flu. Sh*t. Not again? This will be the 4th time I'm falling sick since starting school in KL last August. I'm getting real good at this. One to two weeks before any exam I'll feel my flu knocking on the door and this will drag on to 2 or 3 days after the paper. Makes me wonder though, when system courses start and exams become more regular, will I be sick more than I'm well? Argh.

Woke up at 7.20am today, but decided that studying in my room was a better option when compared to dozing off in lecture. Proved that I was right, muahaha, 'cos I ate 4 sets of notes in less than 3 hours. So proud of myself. Only part of microbio to go before I start on my 2nd round. Muahaha. Looks like this time 'round, I'm going to pass after all. :P Ok, maybe not, since I can't remember a thing, but knowing that I've studied... feels super good. At least I can tell myself that I studied. Muahahahaha.

I'm suppose to be doing my PBL now, something about Chest Pain. It's all in Davidson's, I know, but I just thought I'll surf the net for a bit of extras here and there. See? So hardworking eh? 2nd half of Patch Adams later *grinz* I'm looking forward to that!

Just discovered that Raj is good at picking locks. :P Raj, right???

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

The Most Important Item In My Bag

Looking into the bag I bring to school everyday, what do I see... *peeks in*

1. Wallet (some pple think this, when is owned by a female, should be known as a purse, I think otherwise)
2. Handphone (nowadays it's in silent mode day and night 'cos I always forget to switch back and forth)
3. Palm (complete with my trusty medical dictionary and notes and other stuff...)
4. Water bottle ('cos the school's water cooler is down half the time.")
5. Keys (otherwise how to go home wor...)
6. Pencil case (finest assortment of stationery, from diff coloured pens to pencils to rulers ...)
7. Occasionally, a file (which I normally carry in my hand) or white coat or book or stethoscope

Everything in my bag's super duper important to me, otherwise I won't bring them around rightz??? Losing the first 3 (okok..and part of no. 7 also) will render me super poor and put me in deep deep sh*t. Losing the rest will make my life very uncomfortable and I mean V-E-R-Y.

To all the students out there, what is the most important item in your bag??? Mine.. the most most MOST important one.. is my dearest pencil case. I never did realise that until I lost it (and subsequently found it 2 hours later) after lecture. Going through lab with a borrowed pen just sucks big time. Hrmph. I cannot imagine how I'll sit for this coming Monday's summative without it. My JC friends will know how super picky I am regarding my stationeries. (SC7 pple, think paper.. pen.. ya.. remember? :P) Phew.. thank goodness I found it. Mental note to self: will be careful and not lose stuff from now on.

Btw, I can't stand people that chew with their mouth open, especially while chewing some chewy sweet or chewing gum, thereby making a super irritating sound. Argh. Especially girls, terrible. *stare at girl on my left* Still chewing. Grrr...

Changed spelling mistakes as pointed out by ParasiteMan...:P
Withdrawal Syndrome

Ok ok.. I didn't post yesterday 'cos I said that I'll only post every TWO days. Bad decision. HRMPH! So many things to talk about yesterday and I had to tell myself "nono..go study.. don't blog don't blog".

IMU Care started yesterday. What is it? Actually, I don't know. There's a mini exhibition thing going on in the Atrium, we have people from organisations such as HOSPIS, MERCY Malaysia, MAKNA, SPCA etc coming in. The exhibition is very small, but very informative, IMHO, if you are interested in such stuff.

IMHO, it's important for young people to take interest in volunteer work, and especially so for medical students. But of course, it should be for the right reasons.. not "the school ask me to do it so I do it lor" or "looks damn good on my records ah" or "they provide free lunches?" Now... a few questions... do YOU volunteer? why do you do it? do you enjoy doing it?

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Down To Serious Work

Here's just a post to say that since Summative I is only a week away, I've decided to spend more time with Mr Patho, Mr Immuno, Miss Microbio and Mdm Parasito... and less with Bloggie. Hence, my new-post-everyday-blog, will turn into a new-post-every-2-or-3-days blog, at least for this week. Hopefully by mid May, I won't be using blogspot anymore. (yeah, it's been NATO from me for the past few months) I'll update again when the time comes.

To a friend: I'm glad things at home are better now. :) Really really happy for you.

To another friend: *hug* You know, if things seem to be the worse they can be, then hey, it can only get better right? I understand what you are going through, it is not easy, but things will be better, trust me. I'll go look for you and btbs with you at the end of May, you know what I mean, I think. Be strong. Remember that I'll always be here if you want someone to talk to.. just give me a call. I'm so talkative, I'll wake up at 3am to talk to you.

I think both of you know who you are...:)

Saturday, April 10, 2004

Boring Lectures + Unattentive Students

And this is what you get...

And she had CSU that day... wonder how she got it off and not get into trouble. :P

Thursday, April 08, 2004


Parasites.. parasites..

First, they wanna infect us... then, they make life difficult for poor medical students 'cos they wanna infect mankind. That's not it. They wanna have complicated development stages to confuse us further. You think that's it??? Even their hosts are crazy... so many different types.. Definitive/intermediate/normal/abnormal/paratenic.. Argh argh argh.

Really impressed with those who can remember all these things. :(

yeah, I'm studying my parasitology now, getting all irritated and confused with it. *bangs head against wall* and a headache too! sheesh!

Like I've been saying these days... "Luckily I didn't go into microbiology... or biomedical sciences... but... WHERE DID I GET THE DUMB IDEA TO DO MEDICINE!!!" *slaps myself*

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

New Link

New link alert!!!

Sheena just started a blog, and I've added her to "Med Peepz". :) The blog is Sheena punya...hence the url, get it? get it?

Now now, who is Sheena? She's my batch's batchrep... the person who appears in front of the batch every morning with announcements.. after announcements.. after announcements... and does she let us off after that? No. Between lectures, she'll have something else to announce too! Sometimes I wonder where she gets the announcements frm. She's also the super duper debator from my batch. Her.. "I'll show this to you on 3 levels..." OMG, I can just imagine her saying it now. :P And when she adjudicates... "structure.. structure.." "tell me what you gonna say, say what you gonna say, tell me what you have just said" yupz, she doesn't stop stressing on structure, I think it's in all my batch's debators' head now. *mumbles to self* "structure.. structure"

Oh ya, missed out something very important. She's nice. I like her. Looking forward to seeing more stuff on her blog. :)
Just a little thought

Just came out from Moral Studies. Watched half of a movie, Patch Adams today. Here's something from the show...

"What's the difference between a doctor and a scientist? People"

Something to think about, eh? :)

I didn't know what I was in for when I stepped into class today, in fact, since Summative I is just around the corner and the new grading system is kinda scary, I even thought of skipping moral studies today. Thank goodness I didn't. Great show. I'm looking forward to the next half next week. :P Hmm... maybe I should go look for the DVD or VCD when I've got the time to. Anyone can help me out here?? As in... you guys know where I can get hold of a copy of the show? It's kinda old, I know.
Grading System

Just saw the notice. We won't be given grades in terms of marks anymore... it's all alphabets and CGPA now. Eekz! Don't know if that's good or bad though. We'll no longer know exactly how we fair.. but maybe that's a good thing. Heehee. And like J commented, getting 80 and 100 is the same now. But hmm... 80 to 100 isn't anywhere near my range. So er... doesn't matter to me lah. :P

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

On Freedom of Speech

Rumours say that lecturers have been reading our blogs. Welcome.. welcome. :) Do you have blogs or homepages too? How 'bout leaving your url?? So... is it time to stop my sometimes-too-frank posts? Well, ladies and gentlemen, I don't think anything like that is going to happen on my blog. *points to disclaimer on top right hand corner*"The posts in this blog are things on my mind and are not in anyway meant to hurt anyone"

I believe in the freedom of speech, and come on, this is my blog, and I get to say what I wanna say. Hrmph. Somehow, I think I'll be miserable if I can't express myself on my blog. Stuff here are my thoughts, I don't know why I should and certainly have no idea how anyone can regulate my thoughts. Hmm... things will become interesting when I link my batch blog, I guess. :P

Just for now... the servers sucks. I was online happily surfing for PBL stuff yesterday afternoon, when suddenly I heard thunder and I can't use the net anymore. If we are supposed to do our PBL research, and the internet is an avenue for information, then... shouldn't we have the appropriate facilities with which to access the internet at the very least? So.. we have a new elab. Someone should go count the number of computers in there that students can log in to. Well, maybe it's just the beginning stage. Will leave my bitching about the new elab to a few months later (if it's still bitchable). Oh ya, and the intranet is down too (just went down a minute ago). G-R-E-A-T!

Just came from a debate training session. Ok, think there are problems with the debators' morale and their attitude. I should do something, I know. I'll do something after summative I, I hope that isn't too late. Sigh. Ooo.. before that, we had a parasitology lab session where we looked at over 30 slides in 2 and half hour. And my my my... was I tired. By the time I got to my 20th slide, I was suffering from a very bad headache. Grrr... Maybe making the session shorter and having 2 sessions will be more effective??? *grumblez*

Conclusion?? well... these 2 days haven't been all the great.

Monday, April 05, 2004

*Bangs Head Against Wall*

"You missed out on a lot. I've got 4 pages of information here but I could only give you 1 and a half"

This was the exact thing that my stimulated patient (SP) said. AAAAHHHHHH!!!! *bangs head against wall again* And, I had everything in front of me, as in... it was all in my notebook!!! How dumb can I get??? And you know what I missed out on??? I missed out the whole chunk on past medical history!!! *slaps myself* Strange thing was I took his family's medical hist, didn't take HIS. How dumb dumb dumb!!! ARGH!!! Then, the 3 pages of qns we had to answer, I only got 1 page! Can you believe it??? Only good thing the SP said was "Yeah, I was very comfortable talking to you. Confident, humble and polite. Good." I mean.. like.. if I can't get the info, no matter how confident, humble or polite I appear also no use right right RIGHT??

Ermz... Think I need more practice. Hrmph! Was like, I knew what to ask before I went in, but once the buzzer went off, my mind went totally B-L-A-N-K. Like... I knew I was missing out on something, on my notes I saw "Past hist" but I just didn't know what those words meant! ARGH. Now you know why I'm so angry with myself eh?

On another note, I did something good today!!! Heehee, donated blood. :) This is the third time!!! *proud of myself* Yay!!! Heehee. But it's also the first time I ended up with a big bruise. Everytime someone else donate blood and kena a bruise, I used to laugh... but this time round it's me. Sigh. Heehee. Well, but bruise or no bruise, I feel good 'bout what I did. :D

Saturday, April 03, 2004


What in the world is happening to tagboards???

Happened to see this on Acid's page and decided to do a little screenshot. I'm kinda sure that it wasn't the owners of those webpages that spammed his tagboard 'cos... don't think they are these kinda people, don't think they have this kinda time and.. COME ON! all of them doing the same thing at the same time? I don't believe there is this kinda coincidence! Ok, initially, I didn't like spammers (who does??) now there are spammers that pretend to be someone else altogether? Sheesh, brings a whole new meaning to the term... Losersssssssss...

Note to sushi, delete those posts lah...

Friday, April 02, 2004


Just thought I'll blog 'bout five things that happened to five bloggers from my batch on the fifth day of the week.

1. Stylussimo is super casual today. Nothing surprising, you say? Well, this guy is one of those who never fails to appear in shirt and tie everyday!!! Looks like Semester 2 is doing something to him... Heehee. Evolving into a senior, someone. :P

2. Acidulous aka sushi mixed up a Sammi Cheng song with a Kelly Chen one. :P And insisted that Kelly sang the same song 'cos he heard it on her album. Ermz... sushi ah sushi... did you buy the pirated CD or what..

3. Tinytumor's gonna be in the same ward as me during nursing week!!! Haha. The list just came out today. oops, haven't added her to med peepz, think I'll do that today... it's a pretty new blog though.

4. Adeline now knows how to make her xanga site colourful despite not being a premium member anymore. Woohoo! Look out for colours in her page, people! Ok, I know my colour combi sucks.. heehee.

5. Rajinder is TWENTY ONE TODAY!!! *announce again* Rajinder's BIRTHDAY!!! Happy Birthday, Raj. :) He doesn't want people to announce it.. but er.. heehee.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Decisions... Decisions...

I cannot resist complaining to the whole world about this. There was this decision, that I spent a month making. Along came Tim, and I'm now in a dilemma again! The evil part of me hope his Zire 71 cannot sell for a good price then I'll laff really loud at him. HRMPH. Bleahz. And of course, the presence of wireless in school is also making my decision more difficult than ever.

*muttering to self*
T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37 or T3 or TJ37