Monday, May 31, 2004

3 Simple Steps to Make 100 + Students Frustrated

1. Arrange the timetable such that there's PBL at 8.30am, nothing from 10am to 2.45 and lectures from 2.45 to 6.15.

2. Provide notes that students can't read 'cos everything is just too small.

3. Ensure that the aircon in the LT is switched off during lecture. (Yeah, you can keep the corridor aircon on if you like.)

Ok, now everyone knows that my first day in CVS wasn't all that wonderful

It was...A waste of time in primary school, a waste of results in secondary school, a waste of sleep in junior college but it was very much a major part of my life. It played a major role in my development. It gave me opportunities to follow, to lead and to organize. It taught me what the word "respect" truly meant, that "Rank is something you wear, Appointment is something you hold and Respect is something you earn." Above all else, it taught me much about friendship, that true friends go through thick and thin together.

After more than 10 months of abscence, I went for an RCY training last Saturday. It was strange to see my batchmates' names high in the orbat chart, to see all of us wearing the PCO rank. But the most amazing of all, was to see how much we have all grown since day 1 as HQ instructors. Those days, we looked upon our seniors in awe and were, in a way, afraid of them. Now, they are our friends and good ones too! Those days, we were unsure of ourselves, not knowing how to, basically, be instructors. Now, we stand with confidence in front of the cadets, as if to instruct is our second instinct. Those days, we were guided. Now, we take it upon ourselves to guide the younger ones.

Why did I wake up at 5am on a Saturday morning to make a 2 hours trip to do something I don't have to? The reason is simple. I miss something I left behind when I left in August. I miss the friends, the environment, all in all, I miss RCY. I can safely say that I wasn't much help, soncidering I left minutes before there was an activity that I could help in, but just being there was enough for me. It had been a long while since I last donned the uniform and I felt strange in it. Yet, this most uncomfortable piece of clothing I own made me feel good. Sitting in the rec room with friends all around brought back many fond memories. However, the one thing I miss most can never be found again. Training department is now a thing of the past. People who have never been part of this wonderful department will never understand the melancholy that overcomes us sometimes we we think of the "good old days". Initially, we thought a change in structure only meant a change in name for our beloved department but that was not the case. With the abolition of departments, many seniors and batchmates have left. The bond between LD people is different from that found in TD. The way things are done have changed, courses have changed, our expectations of cadets have changed. I don't like these changes.

This short return to RCY taught me that changes were inevitable. It showed me that the frienship I forged in RC still exist. A special thank you to Andy Sir for allowing me to go down, to Doreen Ma'am (I seldom call you ma'am, so appreciate it k?) for jio-ing in the first place, to Viz Sir, Louis Sir, Mel, JF, YH and GX for making me feel at home.

To the those who don't know, RCY = Red Cross Youth (aka my "family" in Singapore). So what did I do on Saturday? In short, I made a trip to Red Cross campsite in Singapore and joined my friends who were organising a course for unit leaders.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

The Star

Got listed in The Star's Education section. Yippee!! The story is that... a while ago, I (and Raj too!) recieved an email from The Star for an interview regarding our blogs. We both tried replying but the email bounced. Last week, Raj sent an email to them again and we were told that the interview has already been done and that they'll try to include our urls in their article. True to their word, we see our urls in the papers today. :)

Post about Saturday will be up by tomorrow. Reason? Streamyx died on me (now I'm using Jaring's dial up). I'll post from uni tomorrow.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

The Blogs People Read

What blogs do I read? Hmm... you see the list of links on the left hand side? I go to most of them every day... well, ALMOST everyday. :)

What blogs does Sheena read? This girl... has recently added a very disturbing blog to her "must reads". Has anyone ever been to Yeah.. that's the one.

Note to Sheena: Read only ahz, dun become like him ah..
The Things People Say

This article found on star is disturbing. Thank you Grace, for pointing out the article. Me thinks Grace should start a blog.

Furore over remark on rape

KOTA KINABALU: Women group leaders here are incensed over an off-colour remark about rape and are asking Kota Kinabalu Umno pro tem chief Roselan Juhar to retract his words.

A local newspaper here quoted Sabah Muslim Women Lawyers Association president Fatimah Wattie Abu Bakar as saying that Roselan had remarked among others that “if you cannot fight rape, better lie down and enjoy it”.

Roselan attributed the remark to Confucius when opening a legal literacy seminar for women on Saturday.

The report also quoted Fatimah as saying that Roselan had also suggested rape victims should be psychologically assessed as to whether they enjoyed the incident.

Fatimah said Roselan’s remarks were outrageous and an insult to women, particularly rape victims.

Sabah Umno information chief Datuk Dayang Mahani Ahmad Raffae in calling for Roselan to withdraw his remarks said that such statements were “insensitive”.

“These remarks were uncalled for,” she said yesterday after a meeting here with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Dayang Mahani said the question of a woman “enjoying” being raped was wrong as it was something that was done against her will.

She said she was disappointed over such remarks that were uttered at a time when the country was grappling with an increasing incidence of rape.

Roselan could not be reached for comment.

Just another thing to add, someone once told me that a reason why rape victims suffer from guilt is that they orgasm during the ordeal. BUT... does orgasm = enjoyment in this case? One is physical, one is psychological. Someone should go rape Roselan.. and we'll see how he can lie down and enjoy it. WTH.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Being Yourself

With the internet, we find that we can be anyone we like behind the computer. Not only on blogs but on forums and chatroom and instant messengers as well. (That's why mummys and daddys always tell their kids "don't meet up with net friends!!! must be careful!!!")

Does make me wonder, why do you want to be someone you're not. As in, why impersonate a famous person or someone of a certain profession or social status? Isn't it better, and EASIER, to just be yourself? Hmm... It makes people you "talk to" on the net feel cheated. As in, no one likes to be lied to right? Sigh. I think some people need help.

Whoever knows who I'm talking about, please don't mention the name here. Thanks.

Monday, May 24, 2004


Main gist of this post goes like this: "Elena neber link me"

You see, another of my batchmates started a blog (someone's gonna ask me why IMU students so much time on hand..heh heh). That "someone" is Elena, this cute and adorable girl from M203. She linked Sheena, Raj, Evelyn, Ken Rhee, Shi Ching, Collin, Adeline and Jody, but SHE NEBER LINK ME!!! *wails* Nevermind.. I'll link her anyway. You'll find her under Med Peepz's Fakduplife.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Hai2 You3 Ming2 Tian1

I've been pretty depressed since results were released on Thursday, even thought of giving up the notion of becoming a doctor. I've never done so badly in a paper before, well, maybe I have, yeah, I have... the first E Maths test in Sec 1. Well, that was 7 years ago. Heard Guang Liang's "Hai You Ming Tian" on the radio this morning and somehow, something in me just clicked.

What's so great about this particular song? Well, let me attempt to explain. It's actually the theme song of a Singaporean serial drama set in a paediatrics ward, about children who are critically ill. (Hmm, it's only as I type this that I remember that the show's set in a medical setting, haha, I guess it's just a coincidence.) The show told of how some children manage to overcome all odds just to lead a normal life. The song told of ambitions and accomplishing them, about not giving up.

I guess the bouts of depression and pessimistic notions are gone now, at least thrown far away in a corner. Right now, I'm just going to work hard for Summative II. Community Medicine, Pharmacology and a little Pathology. I'm sure I can do it.

Friday, May 21, 2004

Time Waster

This is super cute. heehee. Saw it in the kvpug forum. :) Yeah... the last thing I need now is a time waster, but well, a little fun doesn't hurt sometimes right?

This got my attention and inspired me to blog about Mamaks.

It's very much a part of the Malaysian culture, especially among the younger ones, to "go mamak" late at night. "Go mamak" means to go for supper at food outlets operated by Indian Muslims (most of the time). These outlets serve a variety of food like roti canai (known in JB & Singapore as roti prata), murtabak, maggi goreng etc. And of course, a equally wide variety of drinks. I'm not going to do any advertising here, if you want more info 'bout mamaks (which most probably means you're not Malaysian) go read the article lah.

Apart from munching on rotis and drinking teh-o ais, a lot of chatting also goes on there. I remember, most fondly, how a whole bunch of us go to mamak almost everyday before Summative 1 in Sem 1. It'll be pretty late at night, when we're at "saturation point" and needed a break. Yupz, we'll bring our notes out with us but what happens at Mamak is we'll be lamenting about how stressful life is and end up having a Q&A session. We even went to Mamak the day before the paper!!! And we were sitting at the roadside, waiting for friends when some seniors appeared and sat down with us, giving us last minute tips. :)

Nowadays, we go out for supper less often and even when we do, less people go. I wonder what happening to our group. Hai...
SRC Elections III

Election results are in. Well, they have been "in" since yesterday but I didn't blog 'bout it. Only 3 of the 9 candidates from my batch got in. Jody for Treasurer, Grace for Social Concerns Rep and Rahman for Culture and Religion Rep.

Am I happy with the results? Well, yes and no. Some people that I thought deserved to get in, didn't. Some people who I thought did not deserve to get in, did not either. :) Overall, it's more to the happy side, I guess. Read more 'bout it from Sheena's point of view here.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Links alert!!!

New links under Med Peepz, nopez, not talking about Eugenia although, yeah, that's a relatively new link. Oh yeah, Eugenia is my batchmate from IMU and I got her link from Raj (yeah, forgot to credit him the last time).

Anyway, new link new link!!! Kaizesan is by another student from IMU. Sheena was the one who got him into starting a blog. heh.
Double Standards

Some time last semester, after M203 had our Summative I in semester 1, we had a dialogue session with a member of the academic stuff, I'll refer to that particular person as Prof here. Nah, this post is not against Prof in anyway, just well, the session was with Prof so Prof's gonna appear here in my post.

Prof: Is there anything you will like to bring to my attention?

M203-ian: Prof, can we do away with the negative marking system? Many of us lost marks during Summative I due to negative marking for MCQs.

Prof: No, negative marking is done in all medical schools and it is important that as medical students, you know that you cannot take chances. Right now it affects your results, in future, it might be your patients' life.

Hey, I agree with that. It is important that we don't just "tembak", be it now or in future. Yeah... my grades sucks (just got back my results today) and much of it is due to negative marking. But, we do have to learn, at this stage, NOT TO TEMBAK. Ok... that settled we went back thinking "oh, wth, just have to study hard."

Ooo.. guess what happened this semester!!! The M104s don't have negative marking in their exams. Is the school trying to make results seem better than they truly are? Is this a sign that standards are going down down down??? I don't know.

Well, one more thing... today, M104s, M203s and M103s got back results of our most recent tests (or exams, whatever you wanna call it). M203s and M103s have more than a hundred failures (that means more than 50% of each cohort) while M104s have over 100 As, I dare to say that this is the first time in recent history that there are hundred over As in a semester 1's summative I. No, I'm not doubting the Sem 1s' capabilities... just an interesting fact, don't you think?

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

SRC Elections II

Just cast my votes for the elections. :) Didn't really have a hard time today since I've more or less made my decision before hand. *grinz*

Don't like the backstabbing going on behind the elections. Hrmph. So what did I do??? Well, 'cos I don't like backstabbing or people that backstab, for that matter, I voted for the one who wasn't involved!!! Yay!

On another note, Dr T came into the LT today.. and told us that more than 50% of the cohort failed Summative I. Die die die. Well, I know I'm one of those who failed, cummon, I couldn't even answer 50% of the questions!!! Let's not even talk about hitting the 65% mark! Haiz..

Oh ya, happier news... Eugenia has a blog!!! Welcome to the blogging world, Eugenia!!! :)

Monday, May 17, 2004

SRC Elections

SRC elections is the main thing going on in school these days. What's SRC? Well, its Student Representative Council. Some people know it as Students' Council. I'll be voting for those who are think are good but most of my votes will go to my batchmates, I think. :)

My batchmates set up a site known as It's something they plan to propose to the school, you see and it's an avenue for students of IMU (Phase I, Phase II and Pharmacy alike) to interact. I've got a bunch of questions though.

1. Do we want the website?
2. Looking at the forum on the IMU PDA User Group, what makes anyone so sure that will be fully utilised? (No offense to the seniors who set up the PDA user grp)
3. With the IMU server down every now and then, and most of us surfing the net in school only, how are we going to access the site?

Yeah, I sound negative BUT I like the idea of the website just that... well... these are questions I feel need to be answered.

Another thing, super disappointed today when my question to the vice-pres candidate wasn't answered (for a second time), somehow, I don't care whether it's time for Q&A, it's such a basic question, the person should have addressed it in his speech! Bah.
Nursing Week -- Reflections

I promised to blog about emotions due to Nursing Week... and have decided to do it in a question and answer style.

1. Are we morbid?
A says that we're a morbid buncha people. Put it this way, during our free time, quite a few of us went like "let's go to forensics!!! let's go! I wanna see post mortem... I hope there's one going on there" But.. HEY PEOPLE!!! If there's a post mortem going on in there, maybe there's also the family members crying outside! To us, a human being died, to the family, a loved one left them!!! Sometimes, I wonder what's going on in our minds.

2. Are we insensitive?
Add the answer from question 1 here. And... Poor old lady with big gigantic wound, pain pain pain. Nurse cleaning wound, changing dressing. Buncha medical students gathered around watching. WTH! Similarly, poor guy's suffering, doc comes with a buncha medical students from clinical sch... doc ask med students buncha qns.. scold students for being dumb. As if that's not enuff, another buncha med students from pre-clinical ask doc for permission to observe as well. Remind me never ever to get myself admitted to a teaching hospital.

3. Are we scary?
The kids seem to think so. Just try wearing your white coat and approaching a patient from paeds and observe his reaction. I thought I was a monster. Heh, but well... haiz.

Ok, that's it. My conclusion?? We're a buncha morbid and insensitive people. I hate myself sometimes.

What do you guys have to say about this post?? Really looking forward to comments, don't disappoint me ya?

Friday, May 14, 2004

Nursing Attachment II

This post is dedicated to Acidulous and SH.

First, why is the post dedicated to both of them??? Well, because something happened to both of them today which is largely similar to what happened to a group of us. *sheepish grin* Kena scolded lor...

Ok.. on to my post (mostly 'bout getting scolded). Let's just say, thank goodness for great doctors, great nurses and great seniors and er... someone made a mistake in creating the not-so-nice ones lahz. Today was the first time I got scolded by someone, in which after *count fingers* more than 8 hours, I still have no idea WHY I got scolded. I bet that's the case with the rest as well. Let's just say that we were innocently standing down there, observing (like what we were supposed to do) what was going on in the ward... saw a doc leading a buncha clinical sch seniors... asked for permission to observe... less than 5 minutes later, kena. We didn't move or make a sound but we're the "clowns from bukit jalil with no discipline" Grr... Ok, I'm not going to take it to heart, it is, after all, most probably the first of many many MANY scoldings I'll get (in front of a patient too!). Acid & SH's case was slightly different but they were just as innocent. Haiz, whatever.

CH, A and YW and another 4 others got to go into the OT and observe operations!!! Hrmph! I'm jealous. Well, nmind, in time to come I'll get my chance too! We went to forensics (again) and this time 'round, we were told that a new body came in earlier in the day and if we had been there a few hours earlier, we could have seen it. Apparently, it's a 4 days old body which people discovered 'cos of the smell. Don't you think it's really really sad if you die and people only find you after FOUR days??? Well, that's life I guess.

Today had a lot of first-times for all of us. Got to see much more than we did yesterday and had some hands on also. The weather was also kind to us. Overall, a not-too-bad day. (Yeah, not too bad, despite the scolding)

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Cohabilitation & Pre-marital Sex and Whether Religion is Outdated

Attended the IRF (Inter Religion Forum) after coming back from Sban and realising that the school server is down (again!). Yeah, so it was a back up kind of thing but I must say that I didn't regret going and would certainly have regretted NOT going.

Just like what the topic says, the forum's discussion was on cohabilitation and pre-marital sex and whether religion is still relevant today. I must say it was a very intriguing session and was surprised with what the penalists had to say. I thought they'll just say "no no no, God's against it" but they analysed stuff and one of the speakers even say that his religion is fine with cohabilitation and even on premarital sex, depending on the situation.

A had some very good penalists, I must say. Very objective bunch of people, hardly the typical hard core religious fanatics I expected. :)
Nursing Attachment I
This is part one 'cos I've got another day at Seremban hospital tomorrow.

It was OK-boring. As in, well, we didn't get much hands on, but we got to see many things. Nothing spectacular, mainly what happens in a hospital on a normal thursday and mostly what the nurses do. :) I also came to realise that the reasons for why certain things are done in a certain way... is common sense.

The day was super duper hot. And, walking around in a white coat in a non-airconditioned area on a super duper hot day is NOT FUN, not fun at all. (Really respect all the staff and of course the clinical sch seniors... how do they stay sane in a situation like that). The ward sister was nice and taught us many things. :) I'm kinda relieved that we got someone nice. Heehee. Well, she had many student nurses around, so we didn't get to do much since er... so many students, not everyone gets hands on rightz???

Walked around a bit, saw some familiar faces and was for a moment surprised. Then realised that since I'm sem 2 and some sem 5s progress to sem 6s by going to seremban, I was being kinda dumb. :P Walked around a bit more, went to forensics, actually. But, I think that'll be another post where I'll talk about emotions.

Today's session (and I think tomorrow's will as well) aroused a lot of emotions in me. I'll blog about it when I've thought things through. Stay tuned, ya?
Staying Over

Caryn celebrated her 21st B'day and a whole bunch of us were invited to the party in Seremban. Since some of us had to be at seremban hospital the following day (ie. today) we stayed over...


Nokia phone: ti ti ti ti ti ti......

YP: *gets up and turns the dumb thing off* Oi, SH, wake up. You wanna shower right?

SH: Er.. ah.. ok. *sits up* (Ok, super surprising, considering the pig she normally is)
All the girls were ready

YP: *knock on guys rm door, enters* ehz... *seeing no response, turns on lights*

Guys: *All 4 sat up, all 4 of them had their hair styled like porcupines*

After some time...

Acidulous: *looks into Caryn's room hair still looking like a porcupine* Caryn, .... (didn't catch what he asked, too busy laffing)

The girls: ROTFLOL

After a long time...

Guys: *all done up with hair combed and ties on*

Conclusion >>> Guys look strange and hardly "presentable" when they just got up, ahh.. that's the reason why someone invented HAIR GEL!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

New Interface

I was reading blogs and found that there are a lot of people out there who blogged about's new interface so I figured that I'll blog on it too! (Herd mentality lah)

Yupz, has a NEW INTERFACE!!! (Everyone, this is the cue to clap and cheer) *applause* Heehee. It looks pretty, lotsa new templates to choose from (although I don't use blogger's templates anyway) and they claim that it's more user friendly.

But the question is, does YP like it???

*drum rolls*

Nopez!!! :P Well, maybe I just don't like changes. I still prefer the old blogger, that's what I call user friendly. Hrmph

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Too Tired To Blog

Spent almost the whole day sweeping and mopping and wiping... I'm so tired. Sheesh. The apt looks so clean but well, LOOK is the keyword here. Anyway, the only purpose of this post is to tell the world that JODY HAS A BLOG!!! Yay! Another blogger in my batch. *grinz* Yupz, that means another link under med peepz.

On another note: The M203-ians out there who want to start blogging but don't want to maintain your own blog or don't know how to start one or just wanna try out first, let me know and maybe you can start out in the M203 blog first? Heehee.

Monday, May 10, 2004

Does Life Get More Boring

Ouch, I've got a headache... from a long boring session. Yikes. Pharmaco lab just ended and omg, was it boring. Apart from learning about the nature of agonist and antagonists, I realise that I can push my level of patience to a new height. :P It was a session of repeating and repeating what we're doing over and over again... for 2 hours. Zzz...

Earlier today, I went down to CSU to get myself prepared for the nursing attachment coming up later in the week. Things went OK and I hope I don't get into trouble when I go down to Sban. :P The first batch just came back from their first day at Sban and they say it had been a tiring day. Hmm... I wonder how it'll be like when it's my turn. Well... I'll only know later this week lah.

After CSU, I went for lunch with SH, Acidulous and YL ... And we agreed that Acid's sis is super pretty and Acid.. well.. let's just say that her parents gave all the good looking genes to the sister lah. :P

Saturday, May 08, 2004

On Losing & Being Happy About it

We met Sem 2A again in the semi finals this morning and lost to them. What did that mean? Well, it meant that Sem 2A met Sem 4A in the finals. Dead scared k.. 'cos they were known to be one of the best teams in the whole tourny. But...

THE SEM TWOS WON!!! HIP HIP HURRAY!!! Well done, Sem 2A!!! Elena, Grace & Vasan, CONGRATULATIONS!!!

As for us, well, lost also nvm lah. I must say I was disappointed 'bout not getting into the finals, especially since we broke in as the top team... but it doesn't really matter that much. OUR SEM WON!!! Muahahahaha. :)

Somethings, I'm not going to post about here.. but well.. in time to come, you'll hear about it!

Friday, May 07, 2004

My batch

No no no, I did not suddenly develop a strong passion for my batch such that I'm blogging about these 180+ buncha nice people. :) It's just that I just linked my own batch's blog to this page! Yeah, the M203s out there who didn't even know of the existance of the blog, shame on you. Well, now that you know of it's existance... and wanna contribute, let me know ok? And of course, M203s are more than welcome to link the batch blog to your own blogs. In fact, MAKE SURE you link ah!!! :P

Oh yeah, to those people who don't know what M203 is, well, it's my batch in IMU. :) M = medicine (I think) 2 = 2nd intake and 03 = 2003, the year we entered. In short, M203 indicates that this buncha people enrolled in medicine during the 2nd intake in the year 2003. You get it? :)
Intra Varsity Friendly

Since Adeline dedicated her latest post to the swing team, I'll dedicate this post to the M2/03 debaters and adjudicators. :)

Sheena: Thanks for teaching us everything. :) And... thanks for agreeing to treating us to the buffet. I'm sure the part about us "winning" doesn't matter right??? You'll treat us anyway... RIGHT???

Elena, Grace & Vasan: I must say that yesterday night's 2nd round was much much more entertaining than the first and it's most probably because we met our own sem's team. :)

Richard & Rahman: Thanks for being such great team mates. :) I know I'm the blurest among the 3 of us, so it's all thanks to you guys that I have anything to say at all up there. Heehee.

All in all, well... since day 1 of training, all of us have improved, I think. We may not be good but hey, we're moving along just fine, don't you think??? To the rest of the M203s reading my blog, here's the IVF update from yesterday (thursday) night after the first 2 rounds of debates:
Sem 2A: 1-1
Sem 2B: 2-0
(first no. being the no. of rounds we won and the second is the no. lost)

If you wanna know what happened yesterday, please refer to the M203 blog.

Just linked the batch blog :) Check it out ok? And oh... realised that a Sem 4 seniors reads my blog.. how did he find the url? Well... thanks to blogrolling by MMR.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

And off again...

One moment I was back in JB, happy with my streamyx connection (which surprisingly worked super well since I got back from Bangkok) and the next, I'm here in IMU.

I'm back so super duper early because of IVF. Yupz, I'm typing here 40 minutes before the motion is going to be released. :) Don't know how things will turn out, but I guess we'll just take it as it comes. This afternoon's training session sucks... I know I wasn't on form. See ah, when I'm on form, I'm bad when I'm not, I'm even worse. Hai...

The next few days will be moving cum IVF days. Gonna be bz bz bz!!! And school reopens on Monday. Half the batch is going to be off in Seremban for their nursing attachment and it seems a perfect time for me to catch up on my back dated work. Hmm... pharmaco lab on Monday afternoon and I booked a CSU room in the morning. Hee, to do some practicing in case I totally maluate myself in Seremban on Thurs and Fri. Let's all hope that things turn out fine. Haiz...

Wednesday, May 05, 2004


Last time, we used to go every year 'cos my parents wanted to pray to the four face buddha, well, every year until he fell sick. This is the first time I went to Bangkok without him. I know she was sad, I was too, but let's just say that life goes on...

Having been there so many times, there wasn't much to do apart from shop shop shop...let's see, what did I buy???

1. Corduroy pants
2. Pin striped pants
3. Tie dye pants
4. Black top
5. White top
6. Bag
7. Food (for my friends if I remember to bring them back to KL)
8. Souvenirs (for my cousins and some of my friends)
9. Some other stuff I dun wanna say.. hee.

Why the pants craze?? Heehee, my uni pals will know that I've been looking for items 1 to 3 for ages and HURRAY!!! I GOT THEM!!! *beams* Ooo.. Mommy bought me a sapphire pendant set in white gold... and a necklace too!!! It's the first time she bought me white gold. Mommy is the typical middle age woman who believes in the normal kinda gold lahz. And... it's my first set of accessories with my birthstone! I'm a happy kid. :)

The food was good too!!! Here's a few recommendations... If you wanna have good, relatively cheap seafood food, Somboon Restaurant is a great place. The raw oysters.. the lobster... the crabs...mmmmmm... yummy!!! Be prepared to wait wait wait though (we finished eating at 9.15pm bk time and there was still a long queue at the door), only down side is the atmosphere sucks. It's noisy and the deco isn't wonderful. If you want nice ambience, go to Spice Market in Four Seasons Hotel. A little more pricey, food's quite good (though Somboon is better) and the deco and stuff is really nice and posh.

Covered shopping and food, time for the accomodations bit. Ermz... let's just say that 5 stars hotel doesn't equate 5 stars service. Very beautiful, yes, but service... nah... *shakes head*

PDA Usage II

I went to Bangkok over the long weekend for a short holiday. As usual, we went to Coca for steamboat on the first day (no idea why, over the years, that's what we've been doing) and canggih, the waiters and waitresses use PDAs to take our orders. (Ok, maybe I suaku lah, but still, canggih!)

May I have your orders please?

Here's a closer look at the PDA they use. A nice waitress let me take a pic. Heehee, bet she thought I was weird.

What's canggih isn't just the fact that they took digital orders, it's the way the whole system works. We wanted to cancel an order 2 minutes after placing it and another waitress came along and she only had to make a few taps before retrieving a list of all our orders. Makes everything much much more efficient, and reduces errors, I guess.
PDA Usage

I saw this on Palmdoc Chronicles and thought I'll post it here also...

April 30, 2004 - Medical students should be required to routinely use mobile hardware during the course of their studies and internships, according to the April 2004 Mobile Opinions online survey conducted by Mobile Health Data. Eighty-two percent of respondents said using mobile technology should be a mandatory part of medical school curriculums.

Fifteen percent of respondents said medical students should be encouraged--rather than required--to use mobile hardware in their studies or internships. Additionally, 3% said the use of mobile technology in medical schools should not be required or encouraged.


Prices of palmtops and other PDAs have gone down quite a bit since its initial days (think palmpilot age... when everything's in black and white and even the PDA is black) but most students still cannot afford a PDA today! Yes, med students are encouraged to use PDAs but to some people, it's just not possible and it may not seem all that wonderful an investment. Now... how 'bout arranging special discounts or bulk buys for poor medical students. *grinz*

On another note, I'll post pics of PDA usage in a restaurant in Bangkok soon. Maybe my next post. Hee.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Home again

Just got home about 2 and a half hours ago so I'll do all my postings tomorrow. :) It wasn't a very interesting trip but yupz, there are stuff to blog about. :) This is just to er... fill up space? *grinz*